Aiming High CE Federation

Vision and Values

"The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.
In this inclusive school, pupils display mature and respectful attitudes towards others.
A typical comment from pupils who spoke with inspectors was, ‘We are all the same,
but unique.’ Pupils show understanding and respect for those of different faiths, family
circumstance and gender" 
- Ofsted 2019 (Armitage CE Primary School)

 "Pupils are happy at this school. They told inspectors that they have lots of friends and that learning is fun" 

"Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. In most subjects, most
pupils achieve well. Pupils benefit from the range of wider opportunities on offer." - Ofsted 2022 (All Saints Primary School)

The Aiming High Federation values the whole child

Being part of the federation is not just about our children achieving excellent academic progress (although we do well at that too), it is about opening up all of the opportunities that life has to offer. We do this by unlocking the potential in every child and helping them overcome any barriers that stand in their way.

We believe that the relationships children form with each other and staff can underpin their education. Learning to communicate feelings, sharing, asking for help and supporting others with their difficulties are essential skills that allow our children to thrive in social situations. 

Our children (and staff) are supported and nurtured in all that they do. Hard work, resilience and the continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills help prepare children for their life in school and beyond. In both achievement and behaviour, we 'Aim High' and ensure that children have the freedom and confidence to express their thoughts and feelings in order to let their individual character shine through.